Fumigation of grain loaded silos and other storage structures
Pressure - In an effort to steer away from hazardous chemicals, Jannakill Pest Solution can use a new method of fumigation that relies on pressure to kill insects. Please conduct us for more information.
Direct mixing (vertical storage) - By this method, we apply the fumigant to the grain so that it is distributed as evenly as possible from the beginning of the treatment. We use Direct mixing when the infestation is general throughout the mass and when there is access to the grain stream during filling or transfer from one bin to another. Only solid or liquid-type fumigants are used in this way. We can obtain fairly even distribution of the gas with good control of the insects. Our solid fumigants are either tablets, pellets or powders which emit a fumigant gas
We can also utilize a convenient method for applying bags of fumigant to grain in vertical storages involving a permanently installed system of pipe-, fixed vertically to the walls of the bins or silos. We can also apply liquid fumigants with special equipment.
Surface application (flat storage) - In instances where insect activity has not permeated the entire grain stock, Jannakill Pest Solution uses surface application. Surface application of fumigants is often used in farm structures that are small and not airtight; however, we take steps to make the structure as airtight as possible. We normally spray a liquid chemical onto the surface layer of the grain.
"Hot spot" fumigation - Jannakill Pest Solution uses treatment of localized areas in a grain mass as a useful technique for dealing with incipient infestations. These "spots" are usually recognized and defined by a local rise in temperature. We use liquid-type fumigants are applied through tubes but tablets are the best materials to use.
Recirculation - Jannakill Pest Solution also can effect the treatment of bulk grain through recirculation. Recirculation of the fumigant is by means of permanent or temporary installations which provide an effective and economical means of insect control. One of the more important advantages of the method is that lengthy exposure periods are unnecessary. In addition, distribution of fumigant throughout the grain mass may be improved.
Recirculation is only practicable when the walls of the storage units are sufficiently gas tight to prevent the fumigant/air mixture from being forced out while under positive pressure from the blowers. We use liquid and powder fumigants.